Plastic-Free Campus Teachers and Volunteer Orientation in Mymensingh

Plastic-Free Campus Teachers and Volunteer Orientation in Mymensingh

On May 16, 2024, the Department of Environment (DoE) in Mymensingh, in collaboration with the Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO, organized a transformative day-long orientation workshop. This significant event is part of an ambitious initiative to create plastic-free campuses, aligning with the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEFCC)’s 100-day action plan to eliminate plastic waste from educational institutions across Bangladesh.

The workshop, aimed at educators, administrators, and students, provided comprehensive training and resources for implementing effective plastic waste reduction strategies. Participants engaged in interactive sessions on the environmental impact of plastic pollution, innovative waste management techniques, and the benefits of sustainable practices within educational settings.

As part of this effort, two schools in Mymensingh – Vidyamoyee Govt. Girls’ High School and Mymensingh Zilla School have been selected as primary participants. ESDO aims to replicate and amplify these efforts in Mymensingh, ensuring that the momentum for creating sustainable and environmentally-friendly educational environments continues to grow.

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