Plastic-free Campus Intervention in Sylhet

Plastic-free Campus Intervention in Sylhet

To observe ‘Plastic-free July’, Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO organized the plastic-free campus intervention on 12-13 July 2023 at ‘Sylhet Pilot School’ and ‘Hazrat Omar Faruque (R.) Academy’. The two-day environmental education camp aimed to raise awareness about plastic pollution and provide students with information on its impacts, the role of plastic in our lives, alternatives to single-use plastic, the zero-waste concept, and the 4R concept (reduce, reuse, refill, and refuse).

During the environmental education camp, ESDO conducted interactive sessions with the students, focusing on various aspects of plastic pollution. These sessions allowed the students to learn about the detrimental effects of plastic pollution on the environment and explore ways to mitigate its impact. Additionally, the students engaged in activities such as role plays on plastic pollution and awareness building, poster presentations on zero-waste practices at home and school, the importance of reducing, reusing, and refilling, and the concept of home composting. The false solution of plastic recycling in addressing plastic pollution is also discussed in the sessions. Recycling is often seen as a solution to the plastic waste problem, but the plastic recycling process itself can release harmful chemicals and pollutants into the environment.

To further enhance the learning experience, ESDO organized outdoor activities such as waste collection, identification, and segregation. Additionally, a storytelling session allowed the students to share their personal experiences and observations regarding plastic pollution in their surroundings, fostering a sense of empathy and understanding.

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