Orientation workshop on “Plastic-free Campus” with girl guides and boy scout association

Orientation workshop on “Plastic-free Campus” with girl guides and boy scout association

Following the successful inception and orientation workshop for the “Plastic-free Campus” project, the Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO held a virtual orientation training with the selected five-division Girl Guides and Boy Scout association on February 28, 2023. By giving the volunteers in-depth knowledge of the project’s activities, this introduction provided to prepare the volunteers for upcoming PFC project activities.

According to the manual, a presentation was used in this orientation session to instruct the young girl guides and boy scouts on the role of volunteers in the project’s execution and to motivate the students to live a life free of plastic. The workshop’s activities included talks on related topics, question-and-answer sessions, and audio-visual presentations on plastic pollution, zero waste, and educational tools.

Both the Boy Scout Association and the Girl Guides Association give opinions on this effort, highlighting their gratitude for it and expressing a willingness to involve students in this outstanding effort to make selected campuses plastic-free. They also mentioned some challenges that how they reduce the use of plastic in their daily life because plastics are spread all over the world. Firstly, they reduce the use of single-use plastic in their life then they can reduce single-use plastic on their campus.

PFC is a free platform that provides a self-guided methodology aimed at aiding schools in their ongoing campaign against single-use plastic pollution. They recommend improving curriculum interconnection to incorporate the problem of plastic pollution and waste management into the classroom; provide tools and resources for community-based activities that will have a significant positive environmental effect.

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