Orientation for Teachers and Volunteers on Plastic-Free Campus Initiative at Dhaka Sher-e Bangla Girls and Boys School

Orientation for Teachers and Volunteers on Plastic-Free Campus Initiative at Dhaka Sher-e Bangla Girls and Boys School

On June 9, 2024, the Department of Environment (DoE) in Dhaka, in partnership with the Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO, organized a comprehensive orientation workshop dedicated to establishing plastic-free campuses. This initiative is a critical element of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC)’s 100-day action plan, which focuses on eradicating plastic waste from educational institutions throughout Bangladesh.

In 2022, ESDO initiated a pivotal project aimed at fostering plastic-free campuses. This initiative has since garnered substantial momentum, evolving into a central aspect of MoEFCC’s environmental strategy. As part of this initiative, Sher-e Bangla Girls School and Sher-e Bangla Boys School have been selected as primary participants.

The objective is to declare these campuses entirely plastic-free by June 2024. This project not only seeks to reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste but also aims to educate and inspire students and the broader community about sustainable practices and the importance of environmental stewardship.

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