Environmental Education Camp of Plastic Free Campus (PFC) Project at Rangpur Zilla School & Rangpur Girls High School

Environmental Education Camp of Plastic Free Campus (PFC) Project at Rangpur Zilla School & Rangpur Girls High School

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO organized the environmental education camp on the 24th & 25th of May 2023 under its Plastic Free Campus (PFC) project at Rangpur Zilla School and Rangpur Girls High School.

It was a two-day-long environmental education camp along with an opening ceremony on the first day. The opening ceremony was inaugurated by the respected Mayor of Rangpur City. Members of ESDO along with the Principal, Teachers, Students, and volunteers of Rangpur Zilla School and Rangpur Girls High School were also present at the opening ceremony. 

The children participated in workshops organized by ESDO where they learned about plastic pollution, its effects, how it entered our lives, substitutes for single-use plastic, the zero-waste idea, the 4R concept, etc. Along with indoor activities like poster presentations on reduce, reuse, and refill, home composting, and outdoor activities like waste collection, identification, and segregation, ESDO also organized student events including role plays on plastic pollution and awareness raising. They took part in the storytelling session on the plastic waste they had seen around them. Students engaged fully in almost every one of the activities and were excited to learn new ideas from this camp.

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