Celebrating the Achievement of Plastic-Free Campus Graduation Ceremony: Lalmatia Girls High School and College

Celebrating the Achievement of Plastic-Free Campus Graduation Ceremony: Lalmatia Girls High School and College

On June 12, 2024, ESDO celebrated the successful transformation of campuses into plastic-free zones through the Plastic Free Campus project. This remarkable achievement showcased the commitment and perseverance of the ESDO team and the exceptional students of Lalmatia Girls High School and College, Dhaka. To commemorate their journey and accomplishments, the school, in collaboration with ESDO, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education, the Department of Environment (DoE), and Mutual Trust Bank PLC, hosted a special event.

During the event, students presented their impressive 3D models, highlighting various environmental issues and their innovative solutions. These dedicated students were recognized for their hard work in creating plastic-free campuses, supported by their teachers and the ESDO team. Each school was honored with a certificate and officially declared plastic-free by ESDO, MoEFCC, DHSE, DoE, and Mutual Trust Bank.

Special thanks were extended to the distinguished guests: Chief Guest Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Director (Dhaka Metro) with Additional Charge, and Special Guest Chowdhury Akhter Asif, Additional Managing Director & Group Chief Risk Officer of Mutual Trust Bank PLC. Appreciation was also given to the principal Md. Kamruzzaman, teachers, and the ESDO team for their unwavering support. Congratulations to all the students and schools for their incredible achievements. Let us continue to work together towards a greener, plastic-free future.

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