Khulna University School Celebrates Plastic-Free Campus Graduation Ceremony

Khulna University School Celebrates Plastic-Free Campus Graduation Ceremony

On June 30, 2024, ESDO celebrated the successful transformation of campuses into plastic-free zones through the Plastic Free Campus project. This significant achievement highlighted the dedication and perseverance of the ESDO team and the outstanding students of Khulna University School. To commemorate their journey and accomplishments, the school, in collaboration with ESDO, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education, the Department of Environment (DoE), and Mutual Trust Bank PLC, hosted a special event.

During the event, students showcased their impressive 3D models, which addressed various environmental issues and proposed innovative solutions. These committed students were recognized for their efforts in creating plastic-free campuses, with support from their teachers and the ESDO team. Each school received a certificate and was officially declared plastic-free by ESDO, MoEFCC, DHSE, DoE, and Mutual Trust Bank.

Throughout the ceremony, there was a strong emphasis on education and awareness. As the chief guest, Md. Helal Mahmud Sharif, Divisional Commissioner of Khulna, underscored the importance of reducing plastic waste and adopting sustainable practices in daily life.

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