Orientation workshop on “Plastic-free Campus” with Teachers and Girl Guides Association

Orientation workshop on “Plastic-free Campus” with Teachers and Girl Guides Association

The Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO organized a two-day orientation training with the teachers of the targeted schools and the Girl Guides on the 23rd and 24th of January 2023 following the successful inception workshop for the “Plastic-free Campus” project. The purpose of this orientation was to prepare the teachers and volunteers for future PFC project activities by providing them with in-depth insights into the project’s activities.

In this orientation workshop, a manual was used to guide the teachers and young girl guides on the role of teachers in implementing the project and encourage the students to move towards a plastic-free life. The activities of the workshop included audio-visual presentations and poster preparation and presentations on plastic pollution, zero waste, and education tools, question-answer sessions, discussion and group work on related topics, energizer sessions, and expectation mapping.

Among 50 students from classes 3 to 8, each of the two schools will be selected from among the five divisions. Based on the assigned subjects and the adverse effects of plastic pollution on the environment, students will participate in instructional activities such as open debate, acting, and plastic waste audit. Every school will do a follow-up session to assess students’ progress after three months in order to hold a graduation ceremony. The school will establish a Green Club to carry out environmental protection-related activities, allowing club members to continue the momentum when the program is finished. This brief overview and suggestions for future implementations were discussed in these sessions.

The Girl Guides Association and teachers both provide feedback on this initiative, emphasizing their appreciation for it and expressing a desire to involve students in this remarkable effort to make their campus plastic-free.

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