Environmental Education Camp for Zero Waste Approach along with Plastic-free Campus Follow-up Session & Open Forum of Banning Single-use Plastic

Environmental Education Camp for Zero Waste Approach along with Plastic-free Campus Follow-up Session & Open Forum of Banning Single-use Plastic

On May 31st, 2022, the Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO organized the 2nd session of “Environmental Education Camp for Zero Waste Approach” along with Plastic-free Campus Follow-up Session & Open Forum of Banning Single-use Plastic with students from Lalmatia Housing Society School and College in Dhaka City.

The goal of this event was to develop the next generation of environmental leaders and encourage students to practice and adopt a zero-waste and plastic-free lifestyle. The event included a brief presentation on the zero waste lifestyle and plastic pollution, as well as group discussions, question-and-answer sessions, a follow-up session of Plastic-free Campus, and an art competition, among other student activities. The Green Club students of Lalmatia Housing Society School and College actively took part in all activities.

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