Stainless Steel Made Products
The use of stainless steel options for reusable food and beverage storage have multiplied in recent years. Single-use plastic cups, kitchen storage, lunch boxes, and cutleries can be replaced with this metal. They are reusable, durable, environment friendly and easy to clean as well.
Glass made products
Inert, inexpensive, and infinitely recyclable, glass is one of the most preferred alternatives to single use plastic. Glass bottles, plates and cups, straws, storage jars are reusable and recyclable and can replace single use plastic items.
Edible Single Use products and packaging
Single- use products and packaging can also be made with edible materials such – grains, flours, sugar, sea weeds etc. Seaweed-based packaging is another form of SUP alternative that comes in edible and biodegradable grades. Edible glasses, cups, plates, utensils and packaging materials is based upon the concept of Zero Waste Practice.