On the 4th and 5th of June 2022, the Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO hosted the country’s first ever National Single-use Plastic Free Fair at WVA Auditorium, Dhanmondi – 27, Dhaka.
The goal of the fair was to show people that living without single-use plastic is possible by displaying alternatives to single-use plastic such as cloth bags, paper packaging, paper cups, bamboo straws, leaf packaging, leaf cutlery, and reused items, such as new clothing items made of used materials or new blankets made of used clothes. This also served as a forum for the entrepreneurs’ creativity was showcased. Additionally, through this fair, those who are willing to resist single-use plastics will learn where to find alternative items.
ESDO showcased plastic-free alternatives at the fair, such as bamboo straws, cloth grocery bags, meat preserve containers made of cloth for icing, and so on. These innovations demonstrate that we can move away from relying on plastic products and toward a phase when single-use plastic is no longer required.
Beneficiaries of the Zero Waste initiative, CBO members, local volunteers, community members, celebrities, and print and electronic media all visited the fair.